Very exciting news- congrats!! They are lucky to have you!

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Thank you so much!!

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This sounds like such a great opportunity and perfect for your skills and talents and interests! Congratulations on landing a great new gig and finding the right fit.

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Thank you so much! Our conversation was so helpful with the process!

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Big congrats on the new job! New chapters can be super exciting & I hope this new job challenges you in all of the best ways 🙌

I went to Vancouver for the first time last summer and it was so beautiful. I took a couple tours with Vancouver foodie tours and they were amazing, definitely recommend. Japadog is also delicious - they have veggie dogs, but their fried bun ice cream sandwich is my fave! I will forever be sad that the NY Japadog closed 😭

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Thank you so much, Eden!! I really appreciate it! And the food in Vancouver has been wonderful, we leave tomorrow but my cousin has been showing us around and it's been great!

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I live in Vancouver and would have loved to meet you. But I’m in Tuscany. Hope you enjoy your time there. It’s a lovely city.

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What a beautiful home you have! Tuscany also sounds wonderful, I hope you have a great trip!

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Congrats and all best wishes for success and fulfillment at Isetta.

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Thank you so much! Hugs!

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